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Planning for the future


The Super Scot Society was established in 2019, in memory of our very own Super Scot, Chuck Lingo Smith, HPHS Class of 1983, to recognize the thoughtful foresight of those who embrace Chuck’s spirit of generosity and commitment to the Foundation’s future by making certain planned gifts today.

Learn more about Chuck & how to become a Super Scot below!


Chuck Lingo Smith photo.jpg

"Chuck had the most memorable personality- always smiling and full of school spirit as he created his “Super Scot” persona to enhance our pep rallies. On Game Day you could always count on him to cheer in the commons, the gym, the hallways, and cafeteria. As a founding Belle and classmate of Chuck, we loved having him as our school mascot!"

- Renee McKenney, HPHS Class of 1984

Chuck Lingo Smith became famous as the “Super Scot” for Highland Park High School in the early 1980’s. “On a weekly basis at Friday morning pep rallies, his child-like enthusiasm and unapologetic team spirit would fan the competitive fires of students and athletes alike,” describes Jim Castellaw. “Dressed in his traditional HP helmet, cape and tights, he ran onto the gym floor to do battle with the mascot of that week’s opponent.” He demonstrated the epitome of enthusiasm, spirit and love for his school. Upon his death in 2016, Chuck gifted a generous donation from his estate to the Highland Park Education Foundation to help further the work of the Foundation and the HPHS Alumni Association.  His gift continues to send a message of support of education and Scot-spirit throughout the community and among the alumni of Highland Park.


Membership in the Super Scot Society is extended to those who:


  • include the HP Education Foundation/HPHS Alumni Association in his/her will or living trust;


  • name the HP Education Foundation/HPHS Alumni Association as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan; or


  • name the HP Education Foundation/HPHPS Alumni Association as a beneficiary from a Donor-Advised Fund or gifts of appreciated stock.


You can help support the HP Education Foundation and HPHS Alumni Association’s future and our mission to provide for HPISD’s needs for the betterment of our students, teachers, and community. Please contact us at the information provided below if you have named the Education Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate or gift plans or are interested in doing so. It would be our privilege to recognize you as a member of our Super Scot Society.
Contact: Meg Boyd, Executive Director, 214-780-4062 or

Thank you to our Super Scot Society members:


Janelle and Adam Hickey

William R. Janowski, '52

Cindy and Guy Kerr '71 '71

Shirley Kochman, '53

Lissie and Wayne McCullough '89

Nancy MacGregor O'Neil '54
Lee and Lou Schaufele

Jenni Marks Scoggins, '90

Sandra and Bill Snyder

John G. Taylor, '43

Garry Weber, '54

Sidney Weisblat, '53

Janis Wells

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