We're proud to gift over $1.7 million
to hpisd for teacher and staff salary support, made possible by you!
Over 2,400 donors gave to the Foundation’s 2023-2024 Mad for Plaid campaign, which enabled us to gift a historic $1,700,000 for districtwide salary support and one-time stipends. Your generosity impacted every teacher at every school to ensure a quality education for every student. Thank you!
Contribution Levels
click on levels to see donors
$10,000 +
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,000 - $2,499
$1 - $999

2023-2024 Leadership Society
The HP Education Foundation Leadership Society is the cornerstone of the Mad for Plaid campaign, providing donors with the opportunity to significantly invest in the excellence of HPISD and set an example of leadership that inspires
our community of Scots to give.
Legacy ($25,000-$49,999)
Kamela & Kenneth Aboussie
Robin & Bernay Box
Simon and Louise Henderson Foundation
Maleiah & Ryan Rogers
The Trinity Family Foundation -
Elisa & Stephen Summers
Visionary ($50,000+)
Clements Foundation
Judy Jackson Gray -
in memory of C.D. Bowlby
La Fiesta de las Seis Banderas
Katy & Kyle Miller
Park Cities Dads Club Teachers Cup
Luminary ($10,000-$24,999)
Anonymous (4)
Lori & Jon Altschuler
Carol & Taylor Armstrong
Heather & Ray Balestri
Stacy & Tyler Burke
MacKenzie & Benjamin Carpenter
Sylvie & Gary Crum
The Dreyfuss Family
Judy & Jim Gibbs
Kim & Chuck Giglio
The Gwinn Family
The Hankins Foundation
The Hegi Family
Joanna & David Iliff
Ellen & Clayton Kershaw
Catherine and Chuck Lundberg
Luther King Capital Management
Carolyn & David Miller
Origin Bank
Luminary ($10,000-$24,999)
Nancy Poole
Gail & Dan Settle
Catherine & Tom Sharpe
Jean & Jason Signor
Ann & Jeff Swope
The Trammell Foundation
Vista Bank
The Bill & Katie Weaver Foundation
The Gil & Dody Weaver Foundation
Kathy & John Yeaman
For more information about the Leadership Society, please contact Allison Vanderwoude, Allison.Vanderwoude@hpef.org or 214-780-3062.
Sponsor & Matching Companies
American Express Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Ben E. Keith Foundation
Compatriot Capital, Inc.
Dallas Printing
Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas
Lennox International
Luther King Capital Management
Nordson Corporation
Origin Bank
Perkins-Prothro Foundation
Rosewood Foundation
Texas Instruments Foundation
Vista Bank
Anonymous (2)
Nancy Anderson
Judee and Chad Barrett
Bellevue Foundation
Mandy & Robert Blount
Katrina and Houston Bolin
Marla and Mike Boone
Mason Brown Family Foundation
Jenifer and Jeff Cody
Compatriot Capital, Inc.
Davis and Stephanie Deadman
Lindsey and Ben Doramus
Steven H. Durham Family Foundation
Ashley & Pete Flowers
Ellen & Paul Flowers
Generale Family
Steve Grove
The Guerry Family
Sara & Robert Hallam
The Hankins Foundation
Sarah and Jody Hawn
Audra and James Hopper
Katherine and Doug Jackson
Kelly and Todd Jirovec
Luther King Capital Management
Sally & Olin Lane
Leanne & Patrick McKinley
The McRorie Family
​George Morgan
Anna and Ryan Moss
The Betty and James Muns Foundation
The Ginger Murchison Foundation
Ruth Mutch
Allison & Robb Parks
Micah & Curtis Riddle
Sheri & Andrew Rosen
Sapphire Foundation, Inc.
​Chiara Shawyer
Kathryn L. Shuford
Alice and Jim Skinner
Diane and Michael Swartzendruber
Lara Tafel
Doug & Bonnie Thompson
Suma and Srini Vaddi
John and Susan Wilder Foundation
Elizabeth Winslow
Becky & Tom Abbott
Lynn and Bob Abbott
Mark and Laurie Aldredge
Vibeke Jarnum and Niels Anderskouv
Claire & Andy Baker
Susan & Bill Banowsky
Gayle & Jeff Barnes
Jason & Carrie Becker
Ginette Beecherl
Brenna Berman
Michael & Mia Blumenthal
Michael and Amanda Bodwell
Casi and Jason Bowers
Mary Brigham
Cantrell Family
Sara and Matthew Cavey
The Cejka Family
Meredith and Bobby Clark
Brittany and Christopher Crow
Erin and Philip Davis
Janese & Rick Deitch
Rosemary Dodd
Marsha and David Dowler
Amanda and Joseph Drysdale
Claire & Dwight Emanuelson
Anne and Tad Fallows
Linda & James Foos
Kerri and Charlie Gale
Mary Katharine and Martin Gill
Bridget Holden and Michael Goldman
Margo and Bill Goodwin
Sally & Steve Hanna
Margaret & James Herring
Kathy and Tony Herring
Janelle and Adam Hickey
Jane and David Hodges
Sally and Houston E. Holmes Jr.
Tara & John Hoover
Laura and William Howard
Cindy & Guy Kerr
Andrea and Michael Kruger
Sean and Courtney McCauley
McCoy Family Foundation - Laura & Jeff
Sarah and Chris Miller
Marcia & Lee Mootz
Jennifer & Noble Nash
Annie O’Grady
Reagan and Chris Pace
Perkins-Prothro Foundation
Colette and James Pike
Carolyn & Karl Rathjen
Tav and Sean Rogers
Julie Lin and Richard C. Rosalez
Karen & Robert Roth
Michele and Shad Rowe
Bonnie & Paul Rowsey
Catherine and Tom Sharpe
Karyna and William Short
Leah and Jonathan Stearns
The Sweet Family
Mary Ann Talley
Mary and Mike Terry
Texas Prairieland Foundation
Robert & Melissa Turner
Litty Turner
Steve and Betty Ungerman
Scott Walker
Scott & Lisa Wilson
Allison and Mark Withers
Kendrew Witt
Alicia & Scott Wood
Liz and Chris Young
Anonymous (7)
Joy Faye Adam
Ann & Frank Adams
Susie & John Adams
Dianne and Jack Adleta
Ashley & Marcus Allen
Gayle Allison
Catherine And Nicholas Amos
Greg Anderson
Lilian Reyes and Gilbert Aranza
Stephanie Arnold
Susan and Jim Baldwin
Amy and Jayson Bales
Trish & Stan Ballard
The Bandy Family
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Linday & Jay Barlow
Christy & Stephen Barnes
Jean Beasley
Meredith and William Bebee
Cynthia & Louis Beecherl
Kay & Will Beecherl
Dr. & Mrs. Colin S. Bell
Ben E. Keith Foundation
Amy and Bryce Benson
Ahu Sipahioglu and Aaron Bigbee
Jennifer and Stephen Bishop
The Blankenship Family
Jeanne & Rhodes Bobbitt
Maryjane and Chris Bonfield
Kimberly and Chris Bourdon
Dianna and Thomas Bowen
Cynthia and Jeff Bowen
Laci and Ira Bowman
Meg and Chris Boyd
Laura & Jay Boynton
Katrina and Steven Bradford
Lauryn and Ted Bradford
Wesley and Jeff Brady
Dylan and Caryn Bramhall
Nancy and Philip Braner
Pam & Jeff Brawner
Gayl & Bill Braymer
Nicole Brewer
Laura and Travis Briggs
Suzanne and Richard Broer
Katherine and Adam Brown
Jeffrey Brown And Angie Clayton-Brown
Suzanne and Ken Brown
Gail & James Browne
Lucinda and Barry Buford
Betty and Michael Bullington
Michael Byrd
Cele & John Carpenter
Margaret & Syd Carter
Nancy & Gene Carter
Margaret Cervin
Tuoc Dao and Calvin Chan
Jeanette Chan
Cheryl & Sam Chantilis
Kris and Kevin Cherry
Jill Chesnut
Hyunchung Robin Cho and Eunil Neal Lee
Kelley and Brian Christian
The Coales
Janis & Roy Coffee
Jenny and Aaron Coleman
Liz & Stewart Coleman
Dayton and Julie Conklin
Robyn & Don Conlon
Jackie Converse
Susan and William Cooper
The Costello Family
Sherry & Martin Cox
Nicole and Rob Crain
Mary Clayton Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. Crozier
Lucky & Brooks Cullum
Bev & Larry Dale
Carol and Sam Dalton
Margaret Jenna and John Dalton
Lori and Vuong Dao
Mandy and Sean Davenport
Mary & Weldon Davis
Ann and John Delatour
Patti & Jack Denman
Kelly and John Diehl
Lillian & Tony Dona
Dana and James Donahoe
Whitney and Jayson Donaldson
Genny & Mike Doramus
Jana and Bob Dransfield
Scott & Amy Drillette
Chuck and Karen Edwards
Nancy & Bryon Egan
Liza and Jae Ellis
Alyson and Robert Engstrom
The Eppler Family
Stephanie and Jon Ernst
The Ewrin Family
Junior and Ed Esquivel
Steffanie and Eric Evans
Pamela & Roy Gene Evans
Liz and Lane Farley
Megan and Jonathan Filgo
The Stan C. & Mary Clare Finney Foundation
Tracy & Rob Flint
Mack Forrester
Ashley & Brandon Freeman
Adrienne and Brandon Freeman
Sara and Daniel Friedman
Shawn Fullam
Stacey & Robert Furst
Suzanne & James Gaberino
Jenny & Mike Garberding
Gena Gardiner
Alan and Alissa Gearing
Shelia & David Gerhauser
Meghan and Umrai Gill
Myra Best Glass
Lynn and Steve Goetz
Stephanie & Bob Goodwin
Linda & Rick Goyne
Ralph Graham
Prissy & Warren Gravely
Jennifer and Thomas Greenlee
Ali and Dan Greenwood
Carroll and Casey Gurganus
Michelle and Houston Hall
Fanchon & Howard Hallam
Kirk Hammons
Nancy and Howell Harralson
Meredith & Bill Hays
Mindy and Chris Hefty
Stephanie and Colbert Henning
Cheryl & Bill Henry
The Hernandez Herod Family
Beverly & Rick Herrscher
Kathryn and Cullen Hines
Laurie and Jim Hitzelberger
Ann & Frank Houseman
Kristen and Bill Howell
Ward L. Huey, Jr.
Betsy & Houston Hunt
Elizabeth and Taylor Hunt
Caroline L. Hunt
Margaret & Doug Hunt
Linda Hutchinson
Mary and Robert Irby
Blair Isom
Rasha Jaber and Mohamed Sweidan
Kristie Jacob
Mark L Johansen
Eric Johnson
Olivia & Max Vamhi
Kathleen and Kirk Kaminsky
Sally and Terry Kelley
Roger S Khetan, MD
Linghua Kong and Wenbao Wang
Amy and Mark Kovac
Cindy and Greg Kozmetsky
Geetha Subramanian and Kannan Krishna
Lynn & Randy Kurtz
Melinda & Mike Lafitte
JoAnn & Darrell Lafitte
Kate and Jack LaGere
Jennifer Lake
Jennifer Lancashire
Jane & John Lancaster
Jane & John Lancaster
Kami & Darrell Lane
The Lang Family
Mary & Larry Lange
The Lawlis Family
Keith Laycock
Lennox International
Katherine and Scott Lewis
The Lockard Family
The Niessen-Lonergan Family
Liz and James Lynch
Harriet & Doug Maclay
The Madden Family
Una and Georgios Makris
Aqsa and Khalid Malik
Lila and Schuyler Marshall
Shannan and Mitchell Martin
Karen & Charles Matthews
Meredith and David McBee
Becky & Bob McCamey
Patricia and Michael McClure
Pat & Jay McDonough
Mac McGinnis
June and Peter McGuire
Megan and Christopher McGuire
Dan and Polly McKeithen
Christine and Bob McKenny
Lindsay and Philip McKnight
Arthur McLean
Lindsay and Matthew Mcmahan
Kimberly and Ricardo Meade
Julie and Nate Melihercik
Leigh and Theodore Messina
Annie & Erik Miller
Lana and Chris Miller
The Milner Family
Frances Cannon Mitchell
Kristin and L. Andy Mitchell
Elizabeth and Steve Modory
Dr. & Mrs. Jim Moody
Laura and Robert Moon
James D. & Kay Y. Moran Foundation
Laura Klesse and Kevin Morrill
Lee Anne and Jim Morris
Dave & Jill Morrison
Jessica Morrison
Eleanor Fisher Morse
Carrie and Jason Morski
Shane and Danielle Mullen
Hillary Murff
Judy & Jack Myers
Ashley Nadeau
Amy and Rory Nerenberg
Susan Nettle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Neuhoff
Mary and Steve Nix
Nordson Corporation
Katharine and Nicholas Nunley
Cecily and Matthew Nunley
Alice & Erle Nye
Lisa & Bill Ogle
Nancy M. O'Neil & John Q. Stilwell
Sherri Hewett Owen
Honea and Edward Owens
Bryan and Bryan Pacholski
Somya Chandrasekaran and Arjuna Pandit
Michael Passanante
Tarun Patel and Sarah Abraham
Mary Ann Paul
Kate and Alex Pendleton
Ginger and Jon Petersen
Jane Pierce
Molly & Greg Pieroni
Starr and Chris Pitzer
Chris and Joe Popolo
Michael Powell
Michael and Kristen Pratt Family
Cheri and Lev Prichard
Linda & Wynn Radford
Stephen Ratchford
Lane and John Ray
Regions Financial Corporation
Ashley and Ryan Reid
Suzy & Tom Rhodes/The Rhodes Group
Miriam and Michael Richard
Kelly Perkins
Susan and James Riley
Randa & Doug Roach
Debbie & Robin Robinson
Jene and Mike Rockwood
Trip and Diana Rodgers
Stewart Rogers and Jennifer Murray
Delaney & Charlie Rolfe
Gail and Scott Rolseth
Sarah and Bill Rutherford
Paige and Marc Sachs
Heidi and Thomas Scallon
Teresa and Don Schneider
Liz & Bob Schoenvogel
James and Ashley Schultz
Amy and John Schumacher
Julia and Blake Schwarz
Marti & Steve Scruggsw
Molly and Michael Sealy
George and Gretchen Seay
Paulette Abbas and Kristoffer Seelbach
Nehal and Nisarg Shah
Susanne And Michael Shalley
Lauren & Connor Sheehan
Brooke and Aaron Shelby
Robert and Amy Sherman
Yasmin and Jeffrey Simon
Suzanne & Don Singleton
Belle and Kevin Six
Stephen and Vanessa Sloan Family
Joan & Steve Smith
Christy and Steven Smith
Steve and Carol Smith
Sandra Snyder/ The Bill Snyder Family
The Spackman Family
Mrs. Ben H. Sparkman
Elizabeth & Drew Speicher
Michele and Travis Spillman
Kelly and Clayton Sporich
Christine and Joel Stanwood
Barbie & Tommy Stewart
Cara and Joel Stewart
Molly & Craige Stout
The Strawns
Karen and Michael Stroup
Julie & Steele Struble
The Struthers Family
Tara & John Swords
Kendall and John Talbott
Jill E. Tananbaum Family
Krista and Dallas Tanner
Mary & Joe Taylor
Texas Instruments Foundation
Callie and John Thomas
John and Radha Michels
Laura & Ryan Thornton
Lisa and Mac Tichenor
Eddie and Huongly Ting
Allie and Andrew Torgan
Carol & Gifford Touchstone
Karla and Alex Trusler
Gail & Gerald Turner
Dee & Jack Turner
Lori and Jeff Turpin Family
Linda and John Vandercook
Gloria & Mark Varel
Charlotte Vowan-Wiles and Wade Wiles
Sara & Mike Wagner
Mary Beth and John Wagner
Dr. And Mrs. Ben Walder
Whitney and Michael Ward
Olga and Nevin Weinberg
Ashley and Joshua Weinstein
Renee and James Westcott
Jamie and Trey Whatley
Kristina & Phil Whitcomb
Katie & Andrew Whitcomb
Monica & Leland White
Angelique and James Whitehurst
Beth and Hunter Williams
The Williams Family
Susan & Joel Williams
Roberta Williamson
Paula and Charles Wills
Carolyn & John Wiseman
Jenny and Nathan Wood
Caroline and Richard Woodward
Doug Woodward
Dana & Stephen Woram
Laurie Wright
Tracey Hang and Donghi Yoon
Claire and Benjamin York
Donna and Chris Young
Joe Ysbrand and\ Brittany Chisenhall
Karin and Adam Zaner
Anonymous (9)
Gwenllian and Cyrus Abbaschian
Kara Nelson Adam
Katherine and Frank Addleman
Adela and Johnny Aguinaga
Katie Allain and Allain David
Robert Allison
Casey and Michael Andrews
Courtney and Evan August
Amanda and Geoffrey Bailey
Sukhvinder Bajwa and Harpreet Singh
Lindsey and Evan Baker
Andrew Barker
Jessica Barnett
Kimberly & Alex Bell
Brian Bernholtz
Rachel and Tyler Berns
Melanie and Bart Biggers
Jill Bollinger
Caitlin and Blake Bonner
Kimberly and Michael Bourgeois
Shane and Cory Bowen
Elizabeth and Robert Boyce
Meredith and Wes Boyd
Iris L. Bradley & Floyd Stanley
Marina & Jim Bradley
Amy and Marty Brimmage
Anne Brooksher-Yen
Lynne & Jimmy Brown
Sarah and Ryan Brown
Lynette and Darryl Bubrig
Dana and Joe Bush
Jane and Carter Butler
Pei Cao and Paul Hatch
Sal Casola
Maria Moats and Liliana Castanon
Jing Chen
Esther and James Choi
Erin Choi
Joan Clark
Susan and Robert Claycombe
Mark P. Clemmer
Anne and Stuart Cochran
Yavuz Colasan
Elizabeth and Stewart Coleman
Michelle and John Corbitt
Katie and Robbie Corder
Stacy and Clint Corn
Meegan and Brian Cramer
Brett and Todd Crawford
Colin Cross
Haylie and Bert Crouch
Carlos Cruz
Courtney and Kevin M Curley II
Stephanie Curtis and Tommy King
Craig Dahl
Lauren & Ben Davis
Christie and Brian Davis
Eddy and Shannon Davis
Carrie and Kyle Denbow
Jeannie and Nathan Denton
Lauren and Richard Dewhirst
Alyson and Victor DiBlasi
Katherine and William Diehl
Kei Doncic
Christopher Donohoe
Debra and Michael Droege
Suzanne and Jim Duda
Katie and Dustin Dulin
Roxanna and Niels Dyrved
Christi and Jade Edwards
Whitney Cavender and Jordan Todd Edwards
Michel Morley
Paige & Curtis Elliott
Lindsey and John Elliott
Arden and Scott Ellis
Becky and Greg Ethridge
Anne and Cole Evans
Andres Fabris
Martha and Scott Farrell
Amy and David Fasano
Sandra & Joe Ferguson
Michelle and Jonathan Finger
Teresa and Tom Fishman
Martha Floyd
Roopa and Thomas Foley
Phillip and Heidi Fristoe
The Fullwood Family
Lauren and James Furr
Sandi and Adam Furstein
Deana Gage and Larry Kalmbach
Viki & Steven Gage
Jackie and Henry Cole Gahagan
Elizabeth & Eric Gambrell
The Garcia Espinoza Family
Brooke and Ethan Garner
Peggy & Ronald Gentzler
Whitney Glover
Ann Golden
Emily and Adam Green
Wendi Greene
Lindsay and Christopher Grider
Amy and Justin Grissen
and Chad Gross
Eva And Mark Guest
Alex Gyr
Laura and Charles Haag
Lauren and Eric Haig
Carrie and Trevor Hamilton
Casey and Matthew Hanna
Stephanie and Brad Hannagan
Beth Ann and Ben Harper
Kelly and Kirk Harrell
Juli & Bob Harrison
Meridith and Mark Hayes
Shasha He and Boyuan Wang
Carie and Alan Heckler
Libby & Brian Hegi
Candice and Joel Heikenfeld
Barbara & Carl Henry
Alayna and David Hensley
Portia and Alex Hicks
Emily and Robert Hill
Judy & Jeff Hinson
Sarah and Jacob Hodges
Haley Holmberg
Barbara Murphy Horn
Laura and Matthew Hornbach
Kamm and John Howie
Jacqueline and Bradley Hubbard
Jolie and Bart Humphrey
Anne and Michael Hyun
Heidi and Todd Imhof
Melanie and Paul Jackson
Kelle and Joe Jackson
Sarah Smith
Kris & Cullum Jefferies
Sue & Phil John
Francie and Lance Johnsen
Lucy Johnson and Rick Tubb
Cissy W. Jones
Cydney and John Justice
Dipti Karamchandani
Kimberly and Colin Keenan
Debra Kennedy
Elizabeth and Carter King
Andrea Kirby
Sarah Lambert Klein
Megan and Matt Kobler
Nicole & Atlee Kohl
Anna Kormilitsina
Stephanie and Kevin Kruse
Vasyl Kulgavyi and Viktoriia Kulhava
Aubrey & John Labanowski
Suzanne & Don Laidlaw
Madelaine and Russell Lam
Wendy and Michael LaMotte
Kristen and Charles Lampe
Gigi and Jim Lancaster
Patricia Larios
Lacy and John Lawrence
Becky McGee & Buddy Lee
Joanna and Matthew Lewis
Jim Hu
Marion & Cadell Liedtke
Meredith and Kyle Liner
Steve and Shelley Lipscomb
Holly & Nick Losey
Hayley And Derek Louden
Christen and Benjamin Lurie
Jeffrey Maddox
Amy & Michael Malone
Lori & Cory Martin
Catherine And William Martin
Libby and Russell Mason
Holly and Matthew Mathison
Lynn May
Leila McCarty
Andrea and William McCawley
Wayne & Lissie McCullough
Mary Jo & James McKellar
Gretchen McKenzie
Jessamine & Devin Merrill
Julie and David Meyer
Joanna Michel
Elizabeth and Stephen Miller
Carla Miller
Tiffany and Brian Mooney
Sandra and Barry Moore
Cherry & Scott Morris
Erin Mugavero
Richelle and John Munn
Scott Murphy
Jennifer Nance
Jim Neitzel
Betsy & Steve Nelson
Charlotte and Ryan Nelson
Margaret & Jonathan Neubauer
Jami Nichole
Alberta & Bernie Nichols
Maury and Richard Nierling
Ashley and Brian Nowak
Diana Oates
Ann & Jack O'Boyle
Robert O'Brien
Ginger Ogle
Alicia and Jake Orchard
Shannon and Brett Owens
Christine Mora-Park and David Park
Himanshu and Rackel Patel
Deborah & Richard Patrick
Katie and Kyle Patterson
Jana and Hadley Paul
Kathleen and William Pendergast
Mary Catherine & Trevor Person
Kerry Peterson
Rebecca and Zach Petrone
Jin and Peter Philips
Paul and Angie Pirok
Liz Pitcher
Megan And Adam Portacci
Amy and Phillip Powers
Laura & Jonathan Price
James Ratner
Elizabeth and Brett Raynor
Chris Reeder
Amy Reggio
Jill and Dustin Ritchey
Katie and Chris Roach
Claire Roberts
Tana and Tim Roberts
Jennifer Paige and John Roby
Eloise Peck (Beth & Rob Rogers)
Amanda and Nolan Rome
Young-Sun and Daniel Roth
James Rymer
Missy and John Saalfield
Erika and Farouk Salim-Gomez
Erin and Mike Sander
Noel Santini
Jenny and Adam Saphier
Susan and Sam Schlehuber
Melanie and Scott Schoenvogel
Kelly and Geoff Schorr
Nathan Schubert
Danielle and Scott Sealy
Murphey & Jeff Sears
Shelley & Lawrence Seifert
Hyunjoo Seo
Rosie and Brian Shahkarami
Aarti and Vikram Shakkottai
Jane Wallingford and Peter Shaw
Tanny and John Shelburne
Stephanie Shelby-Nelson and Paul Nelson
Camelia and Edward Shoemaker
Ryan and Scott Sillers
Marilyn & Wade Smith
Blayn and Ronald Smith
Mitra Asgarian Smith and Matthew Smith
Mikee and Michael Smythe
Allan Sneider
Patricia & James Spellman
Myriam Ste Marie and John Garcia
Christine Palmer & Terry Steger
Danielle and Chad Stephens
Pat and Deb Stern
Janey and Walker Steward
Nancy Sturges
Allison and Benjamin Sumner
The Sun Family
Andy Szuwalski & Angela Fontana
Courtney & Daniel Taylor
Sally and Ross Taylor
Minna and Jeffrey Taylor
Valerie and Joel Thomas
Lauren and Cullen Thomason
Lisa and Sanders Thompson
Bunny & Mike Tibbals
Amy S. Titus
Judith and Daniel Tobey
Kacy and Carter Tolleson
Lily Huynh and Kien Tran
Vandervinne Family
Kristin and Nicholous Varel
Lindsay And Harsh Varma
Vaughn Vennerberg
Letitia and Matthew Visinsky
Laura Lewis Wade
Allyn and Bricker Waid
Dawna and John Walsh
Xiaomeng Fan and Kuo Wang
Neha and Saurin Wani
Rochelle and Adam Watson
Joan and Skyler Weinand
Wentworth Family
Marnie and Kern Wildenthal
Worthey Wiles
Megan and Bo Williamson
Susan & Ed Wilson
Robin and Clay Wilson
Patricia and Gregory Wilson
Jacquelyn and Dan Woldert
Van and Victor Wong
Grace Anne & Ray Woodruff
Samantha and Phillip Wortley
Yang Xie and Guanghua Xiao
Xunzhi Yin
Ana & Jim Yoder
Andrew S. Zeitman
Saite Zhang And Huiyang Gao
Dallas Printing
Provincial Foundation (Tori and Joe Mannes)
Anonymous (39)
Julianne and Jonathan Abelmann
Mark & Sandy Ables
Kate & Trey Adams
Brooke And Jonathan
Erika and Matthew Aelvoet
Tania Amin and Abrar Ahmed
Bobby Ahn
Barbara Aileen
Cindy and Joe Alexander
Beth & Jerry Alexander
Bret and Melissa Allan
Randy Allen
Katie and Robert Allen
Jennifer & Mark Allen
Pat & Stan Altschuler
Kasra and Saleb Amirdelfan
Heather Anding
Anne & Larry Angelilli
Glenn Anslinger
Geralyn and Larell Applegate
Sarah and Adeniran Ariyo
Arkay Foundation
Anna Armstrong
Armstrong Elemetary PTA
Carol and Matthew Arnold
Claire and Robert
Parul Harsora and Manish Assar
Jacquelyn Austin
Dana and Brad Ayres
Elizabeth Babb
Susan Bailey
Traci & Randy Bailey
Rebecca Taylor and Joseph Bailey
Craig and Rebecca Baker
Kristin Baker
Anne Balden
Amy and Peter Baldwin
Amy Baldwin
James Balfour
Kyle & Maury Ball
Susanne & Bill Bancroft Jr.
Margie & Phillip Bankhead
Marcia Bankhead
Kloe and Cyrus Barcus
Elaine and G.T. Barden
Lindsay and Dan Barnes
Mary and Daniel Barsotti
Carla Bass
Dixie Bassett
Jean Bateman
The Bauchmans
Patricia Baudendistel
Ann & Meade Bauer
Turkan Bayulken
Cynthia & Brice Beaird
Rebecca Beasley
Mary & Barry Beck
Stacey & Charlie Beck
Stacy and Mike Becker
Maria Gengenbach and Timothy Beckett
Steve Beckham
Thad and Megan Beckner
Colly and Arthur Beecherl
Whitney and Tyler Beeson
Debbie & Bob Begert
Jeffrey P. Begert
Chris and Christina Bell
Jill & Jason Bellomy
Allison & Rich Bender
Larissa Velez and Fernando Benitez
Daley and Rob Bennett
Paul & Janet Bennett
Hayden and Henry Benton
Molly and George Benz
Sarah and Todd Berger
Kristi and Eric Berlin
Allison and Keefe Bernstein
Priscilla & William Berry
Melinda And James Berryman
The Betancourt Family
Damodar Bhandarkar
Barb & Randy Biddle
Deborah and Gary Bieritz
Corinne & Jim Billie
Raquel and David Binswanger
Debbie & Richard Binswanger
Beth and Warrie Birdwell
Dorthy Bjorck & Fred Leyrer
Marny and Brian Blake
Chuck and Kathleen Blanchard
Aaron Blanchette
Jennifer and Scott Blevins
Rob and April Bloch
Ashley and Mike Blurton
Lauren and Jeffrey Boan
Olivia and Joshua Bock
Lanny & Beth Boeing
Denise & Richard Bohac
Sue Bohner
Cordelia & Tom Boone
Boone Elementary PTO
Meghan and Andrew Boyett
Tala Nasr and Kevin Brack
Bradfield PTA
Christine Bradley-Pratt and David Pratt
Ruth Ann & Sam Bradshaw
Catherine Brandt
Mrs. Gill Brandt
The Brantley Family
Jennifer Bray
Stephanie & Bennie Bray
Liesl Bredeson
Nici and Andreas Bremer
Christen and James Bright
Marie and Charles Briner
James and Courtney Bristow
Julie & John Broad
Rebecca Brodersen
John Brodrick
Marie & Pete Brookhart
Kathy & Ben Brooks
Denise Avellanosa Brown and Gregory Brown
David Brown
Rebecca and Chad Brown
Lindsey and Ryan Brown
Victoria and Stuart Brown
Jean & Stuart Brown
Coleman and Rachel Brown
Christy Sabin Brown
Kelly and Michael Buckley
Cathy Buckner
Steven Burns
Kahty & Lanier Burns
Ann and John Burns
Ashley and Casey Burton
Jenifer and Jason Bush
Annie and Will Butler
Ting Cai
Hannah Caillier and Alexander Cordia
Lauren and Daniel Calano
Catherine and Steven Callahan
Amy and Chris Camillo
Barbara Camp
Courtney Campbell
Stephen and Ashley Campfield
Suzi & Jerry Candy
The Caraballo Family
Albert Carnes Jr.
Marisa and Grant Carona
Suzette & Chuck Carona
Anita & Sam Carpenter
Deanna and Richard Carrell
Whitney & Aaron Carroll
Ondine Cleaver and Thomas Carroll
Rita & Fred Carroll
Milene and Tassio Carvalho
Chris Cason
Rebecca and Aaron Cave
Mr. and Mrs. Blake V. Cecil
Sally Barbeck Cecil
Barbara & Ben Cervin
Steve Chamblee
Carley and Jared Champlin
Caroline and Taylor Chandler
The Chandler
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Chang-Tung
Carolyn & Mike Chapman
Laura and Brandon Chavoya
Andrea and Heath Cheek
Jianyong Chen
Jasen and Michelle Chen
Amanda and Richard Childs
Pete Chilian
Keeley Chorn and David Miller
Julie and Hung Chu
Claire Chu
Mary Cynthia & Bill Church
Meredith and Taylor Clark
Melanie and Bryan Clark
Gail & Robert Clark
Haley Clark
David and Olena Clarkson
Rita and Cleve Clinton
Ana and Jeremy Clyce
Lauren And Christopher Clyce
Stacy and Bill Cobb
Katherine and Christopher Cochran
Clint Coe
Julia Coffman
Ellis Coggin
Jacqueline and Jeremy Coker
Carrie Rief and Anthony Colangelo
Susan and Brad Coleman
Ashley and Clinton Coleman
Sally & Mallory Collins
Susannah and Fulton Collins
John M. Collins
Becky & Brian Colwill
Shelby and Matthew Comeaux
Frances and Zachary
Leslie and George Conant
Jeanie and Bert Conly
Meredith Allen Connally
Laurie & Mark Connell
Brian and Lindy Connery
Marcia and Robert Connors
Tasic Family
Juliet Converse
Ben Cook
Elizabeth and Chad Cooksey
Jennifer and David Copeland
Tara and Ryan Cosgrove
Toby & Steve Costas
Carrie & Dallas Cothrum
Shannon and John Cowden
The Cozzens Family
Betty & Mike Crain
Ansley and William Craine
Alice Cranz
Mary and Edward Crawford
Courtney and William Crawford
Emerson Wills
Cheryl Crosby
Cody Crossman
Illa Crow
Ashley and Tavis Crump
Peter and Heidi Cruz
Katie and Phil Cubeta
John and Sandra Cude
Stuart and Rochelle Cullum
Loraine and George Cullum
Sally and Mark Cullum
Dale and Philip Cullum
Scottie Culpepper
Cynthia M. Cummings
Suzie and Bunker Curnes
Kelley and James Curtin
Barbara and Ken Czarnecki
Yuemeng Dai
Alison and Pete Dale
Scott and Mary Dalrymple
Barbara and Rich Daniel
Kristin Daniels
Erik & Danielle Daugbjerg
Heather and Brad Davey
Jerrod & Angela Davis
Sally & Richard Davis
Divia and Shamir Dayalji
Eddie De Loach
Kate and Averill De Loache
Markay & Pete Deison
Connie & Ted Denbow
Early & Jessica Denison
Kristin and Lloyd Denman
Maryann & Michael Denton Jr
Katie and Bill Dering
Kimberly and Robert Derivaux
Burt and Jolie Derr
Nelson DeVega
Sarah and Carlos Diaz
Melinda and John Dickerson
Lindsay Digiuseppe
Stacy and Scott Dillow
Stacy Dillow
Susan & Fred Disney
Bessie and William Doffermyre
Lissie & Steve Donosky
Charlotte and Kirk Dooley
Alexis Dopson
Nancy Dorn
Frances Dotson
Jason & Laura Downing
The Drapers
Tara Draper
Laurie and Mark Drazner
Laurie Dreyfuss
Lee Drummond
Lauren Duhon
Erin and McAlan Duncan
Amy and Craig Dunlap
Gary and Lahna Durham
Katherine Gordon and William Durkee
Chelsea and Clay Duvall
Melissa and Gregory Dvorocsik
Pam Dyer
Daniela Eden
Amber and Kevin Edwards
Sybil and Barry Edwards
Martha and Mark Edwards
Shelley and David W Eisenlohr
Peggy and Bradley Elder
Jean & Jimmy Elliott
Leslie Ellis
Kay & Frank Ellis
Allison and Kyle Ellis
Kacy and Henry Ellis
The Elmore Family
Jan Ember
Mandy and Colin Evans
Toni Evans
Leah and Philip Ewing
Jim and Deb Fallows
Chunhong Shang and Min Fang
Lisa and David Faulkner
Lauren Dawson Feccia
Stacy and Jay Feinstein
Anne & Alan Feld
Beth and Forest Felvey
Ashley and Brant Ferguson
Allen Ferguson
Meredith and Corby Ferrell
Julie and Christopher Fetter
Leslie & Brian Ficke
Candice and Beau
Natalie and Rick Fielder
Elizabeth & Ernie Figari
Danielle Fisher
Bernadette Fitzenhagen
Nancy and Sid Fitzwater
Leigh And Ryan Flashnick
Marina and John Flaskas
Kelly and Thomas Fleming
John Lawson Florer
Denise and Randy Ford
Carl & Sandy Forsythe
Charlotte & Tom Foster
Amanda Fox and Suhny Abbara
Sarita and Jake Francis
Niken and Steven Franks
Tarin and Michael Frantz
Christine & James Frary
Sarah Freeman
Laura and John Frenzel
Jenna and Joel Fry
Suzi and Chris Fuller
Emily And Neill Fuquay
Kathryn & Chuck Fuquay
Amy and Glenn Futerfas
Bruce Gadd
Melinda and JT Gage
Kari and Mark Galanos
Karin & Donald Gale
Amy Gale
Michelle and Matthew Gallo
Mandy & Tim Galvin
Sarah and Matthew Ganier
Paul and Jennifer Garancis
Sara Lee & Stan Gardner
Erin and Judd Garrett
Lance Gasch
Ginny & Dick Gay
Marsha & Phil Gearing
The Gehlbach Family
Jeana & Joe Don George
Kristina and Steven Gerhardt
Courtney & Greg Gerstenhaber
Lorie and Aldo Ghobriel
Kirat Ghosh
Doug Gibbins
Rebecca Gibbs
Lowell Giffin
Gil Wagner
Gwen B. Gilbert
Corey Gill
Leslie and Chris Gilliam
Sam and Shannon Gilliland
Joni & Stan Gitlm
Marnie Glaser
Lois & Bob Glasgow
Karen and Jeff Glassman
Susan and Michael Glassmoyer
Jill & Bruce Goldberg
Catherine And John Golden
The Gonzalez Family
Julie & Jed Goodall
Tara and Grady Goodwin
Jane Gordon
Ben Gordon
Jerry Grable
Bunnie Graham
Amy and Nick Graham
Marcus Graham
Ursula & Bill Graham
Robyn and Kelley Gray
Natalie and John Greco
Kelley and Shawn Green
Lyndal and Richard Greth
Diane & Bill Gribble
Sue & Tim Grieve
Louise & Guy Griffeth
Anna Griffin
Kathleen & Robert Griffin
Catherine and Shane Griffin
Tiffany Gross
Elaina & Gary Gross
Marisa Juntilla and Joshua Gruber
Brandi and Samuel Gruner
Pat & Bryom J Gruner
Gefei Xia and Bin Gu
Melissa and Alfred Guinn
Kelli & George Gunn
Kristin and Erik Gunnerson
Rebecca and Lance Gurley
Kylie and David Gutzman
Leah Haberer
Ronald Habitzreiter
Ale and Eric Hage
Darla and Steve Haglund
Lauri and Mike Hainsfurther
Jessica and Nick Hainsfurther
The Hairston Children
Marsha and Jeffrey Hale
Tinka Hall
The Hall Family
Ann Hallam
Mollie & Bobby Halpin
Randi and Edward Halsell
Lauren and Christopher Halstedt
Jennifer Hayes and Timothy Hamick
Carrie and Justin Hamilton
Kimberly Hamilton
The Hamilton Family
Sarah & Frank Hamlin
Hays and John Haney
Tiffin and Lucas Hanna
Rory & Doug Harbison
Catherine and Cam Hardaway
Cynthia & Arthur Harding, Jr.
Chelsea and Harrison Hargrave
Diane Cleary Harju
Dana and Jackson Harkey
Melissa and Jason Harlow
Annie and Dalton D. Harris
The Harris Family
Dawn and Houston Harris
Toya and Terry Harris
Melissa and Dalen Harrison
Mary and Darren Hart
Ray and Pam Harty
Suzy Hastedt
Kara & Ken Hastedt
Marilyn & Larry Hastings
Leigh Anne Haugh
Susan and Jack Hawkins
Kay & Steve Head
Ann Heard-Sakhaee
Forest Heis
Angela and Scott Helbing
Walt Henderson
Lauren and John Henderson
The Hendricks Family
Kathleen and Laurence Henry
Tracee and John Henry
Hanna and Withers Henson
Ann and Ryan
Katherine and Chris Herron
Belinda and David Herzig
Joe Hickman
Stacy and Mack Hicks
Lista & Rick Hightower
Lauren and Justin Hill
Melissa Hillesheim
Abigail and Christopher Hines
Mary Joy & Richard Hinton
Gretchen Carter Hirschey
Cristy Hirsh
Shirley and Joseph Ho
Anh and Stephen
Sunny Hodge Campbell
Debra & Stewart Hoge
Kimberly Ellis Holland and Murray Holland
Jonathan Hollis
Susan & Leon Holman
Laila Holmes
Judy Holmes
Dr. Gary Holmgren
Kathleen And Steven Honea
Martha and Dan Hooper
Molly & Ron Horner
Brooke Hortenstine
Peter Houghton
Hongzhi Chen and Wenchuang Hu
Isabel Huang and Winston Chan
Kyle and James Huckaby
David Hudson
Elizabeth and William H. Huff
Jennifer & John Huff
Robin and Chad Hufsey
Ashley and Justin Hughes
Elizabeth Hunt
Charollet and John Hunt
Chelsea and Austin Hunt
Diane & Jim Hunt
David and Lynn Hunt
Toni and Jim Hurlbut
Hyer PTA
Regina and Daniel Ingel
Ashley and Chase Ingraham
Lauren and Alex Inman
Bay and Bob Innamorati
Jennifer and James 'Graham' Irvine
Isaac and Emily Isom
Elena Vinogradov and Alexander Ivanishev
Natalia Ivenskaya and Chris Smith
The Blake Jackson Family
Anna and Pat Jackson
Betsy & Clyde Jackson
Annie and Patrick Jacobs
Sejal Jain and Amol Patwardhan
Katlin Beecherl James
Lindsay and Luke James
Jackie & Ken Jasinski
Kathy & Patrick Jenevein
Jane & Pat Jenevein
L. Sue Jennings
Susan & James Jennings
William and Elizabeth Jessiman
Ru Xie and Youxing Jiang
Natalie and Douglas John
Brigham Wilson
Stephanie and Charles Johns
Cele Johnsen
Melissa and Kurt Johnsen
Kristi and Ryan Johnson
Karen & Johnny Johnson
Robert & Kelly Johnson
Libby and Justin Johnson
Steve and Lisa Johnson
Meg and Chris Johnson
Jennifer and Kenneth Johnston
The Jones Family
Carol Jones
Katie and Brandon Jones
Sally & Charles
Will Jordan
Shannon and Tom Jud
The Judge Family
Ben Kahn
Amanda & Rob Kalescky
Carol & Thomas Kallman
Larry Kanter
Mary And Robert Katz
Andrea and Ken Kavanagh
Jacob Kearney
Jenny and Danny Kearns
Kim and Patrick Keating
Teri & Chuck Keller
Jackie and Michael Kelley
Margaret and Douglas Kelley
Kathy & Kevin Kelley
Laura & Guy Kellogg
Spence Kendrick
Lynelle Kennedy
Brett Kennedy
April & Rob Kennedy
Donna Regenbaum and John Kerr
Marie and Stephen Kersey
Barbara and Colin Kerwin
Aimee and Benjamin Key
Tish & Marvin Key
Lisa and Jeff Kilpatrick
Dotty Kipatrick
Elisabeth & Thoams Kincaid
Tara and Steven Kinder
Michelle & Chris Kinkaid
Maggie Kipp
Carinthia Kishaba
Ann & Les Klein
Ginny & Chris Klimko
Diane Knape & David Biegler
Gail & Bill Knapp
Katherin & Don Knight
Pattye Knight
Blythe and Adam Koch
Sarah and Jun Kong
Laura and Neal Konker
Meltem and Korgun Koral
Olga Kosanin
Leslie Kramer and Todd Mann
Robert Krantz
Samantha Krasne and Juan Llorente
Kathy & Arthur Krueger
Holly and Adam Krug
Miriam and James Kudiza
Ruth & Roman Kupchynsky
Helene & Joel Kutnick
Sherman & Carla LaBarba
Anita & Arnold Lachner
Rebecca and Thomas Lacour
Diane & Ray LaCroix
Courtney and Gregory Laczkowski
Jenilee and Andrew Ladd
Rebecca and Mark LaFavre
Rebecca and Pranay Laharia
Maria and Demetrios Lahiri
Lisa and Rene Lajous
Mary & Alex Lamar
Laurie and Brett Lamb
Sara and Paul Lambert
Lauren and Rob Langley
Leigh Langner
Lori Langston
Mary Pat & Ronald Larsen
Lisa and Kendall Laughlin
Caitlin and Thomas Laughlin
Louba and Scot Laurie
Jennifer and Kevin Lavelle
Roberta & David Lawrence
Ann & Sam Lawrence
Gloria & Mack Lawrence
Julie Lawson
Howard Lawson
Michelle & Roee Lazebnik
Chi Le and Bao Nguyen Phuc
Christian Le and Salina Pham
Kendrick Leckband
Dan Henry Lee
Paul Lee
Christine and Frederick Lee
Ellen and Paul C. Lee, Jr.
Kristin & Donald Lehmann
Allison and Richard Leigh
Donna & Pete Lempert
Natalie and John Lesikar
Lorin and Matthew Levin
Deborah & Max Levy
Elizabeth Tilleros & Yair Levy
Elaine Lewis
Christine and Troy Lewis
Beverly Lide
Angie and Rick Lima
Jennie and John Lin
The Liston Family
Susan & Tom Little
Lucy Wei and Bin Liu
Denise and Bill Livingstone
Saeed Loloi
Kathy & Jesse Longhofer
Jenifer and Matt Longhofer
Carolyn and Waylon Longino
Elizabeth and Matthew Longo
Julie & Michael Lowenberg
Sarah and Mark Lowes
Anya and Michael Lucia
David G. Luther Jr.
Insha and Prem Luthra
Molly Lyke
David and Hillary Lynch
Linda & Bob Lynch
Boo and Korey Lynn
Jenny and Michael Lyons
Natalia Martinez Cura and Marco Cura
Matt Maberry
Mary & Louis Macey
Sandra Maddox
Susan Magilow
Stephanie and Andrew Magilow
Denise & Craig Mahl
Eddie Mahon
Celina and Cary Mailandt
Sandye & Peter Mailandt
Allison Esenwine & Christopher Maisel
The Mallat Family
Lisa & Scott Mallonee
Natalie and Les Malnory
Lakshmi Nayar and Jaideep Mani
Kathryn and Peter Marquis
Stephen Martin
Laurie and Todd Martin
Soo Kim and Paul Martinelli
Carrie and Joseph Martinez
Jacqueline and Ryan Marvin
Ed & Alcie Massman
Tracy and Jeff Matthews
Gail and Scott Matthews
Kathleen and Roger Maxwell
Rochelle and Timothy Mayfield
Kathy & Carl Mayhall
Orly and Leonard Mazur
The McBride Family
Edwina & Bob McCaig
Leslie & Rick McCall
Laura and Christopher McCallan
Trish and John McCarthy
Ashlea McCathern
Shawnee & Steve McCord
Charleen and Robert McCulloch
Robin & Lance McDade
Stacy McDaniel
David McDonagh & Anne Tuveson
Tanner McElroy
Michelle and James McGoldrick
Alisha and Nathan McGough
Mary Elise and John McGowan
Janet and Ryan McIntyre
Barbara and Mike McKenzie
Scott & Javine McLaughlin
Paula & John McLeod
The McMillan Family
Katherine and Patrick McMillan
Elizabeth McMillan
Gretchen and Forbes McMullin
Joe McNeil
Randi and Peter McParlin
Jessica and Jeff McPhaul
Robin McRuiz
Daniel and Elise McVeigh
Catherine and Hunter McWilliams
Eloise and Robert Meachum
Kim & Kurt Meaders
Haley and Michael Meagher
Ashley and Mike Meece
Sharon & Marshall Meece
Steven Meisel
Joaquin Mayo
Jennifer & Jed Melson
Courtney Melton
Larry A. Meltzer
Mary and Robert Mencke
Stan Mendenhall, Jr.
Maria and Erick Menegazzo
Christy & Mark Mesec
Jacob Meyer
Keana and Morgan Meyer
Suzanne & Taber Meyers
Megan and Blake Michelson
James Miers
The Winslow Family
Jamie and Brian Miller
Elizabeth & Todd Miller
Mary Lee Miller
Shana and Christopher Millican
Cynthia & Robert Mills
Stephen Mims
MIS/HPMS PTO in honor of the HPISD School Board Trustees
Josephine & Joe Mitchell
Bartley Mitchell
Ashley and Robert Mitzel
Shilpa and Rushi Modha
The Molnoskey Family
Lanier and Ken Monk
Pam & Rick Montgomery
The Montgomery Family
Laura and William Moon
Jeannie Cho and Tobias Moon
Ellen Rhodes Moore
Elizabeth and Mark Moore
Casey and Damon Moore
Kristin and Brian Moore
Elizabeth & Tony Moore
Amy and Geoff Bratton
JoAnne & Eddy Moore
John and Jacki Moran
Ruby & Clifton Moran
Melinda & Skip Moran
Kelly and Cole Morgan
Rachel and Ross Morgan
Teresa & Haynes Morris
Dianne & Philip Morgan
Patricia & Ronald Morton
Jennifer and Michael Morton
Stewart and Nicole Motley
Mary and Frank Mousa
Natalie and Christopher Mowan
Jada Mowles
Olivia and James Mueller
Emma and Xavier Mufraggi
Stanley Mullikin
Alison and Jason Muncy
Winifred & Will Mundinger
Jennifer Munoz
Jeff and Tami Murphy
Julie & John Murray
Janna & Tom Muse
Stefani and Douglas Musick
Pam and Bob Myers
Dr. and Mrs Allen Myers
Erin & Dwayne Myers
Elizabeth Nabholtz
Diane & Duffy Nabholtz
Ryan and Michael Naggar
Rosamund and Charles Nau
John Neal
Ryan Neff
Arthi Krishnan and Derek Neilson
Nancy & Bill Nelson
Teri & Cecil Nettle
Pam & Jim Neubauer
Rachel and Eric Neumann
Diana and Ryan Newberry
Erika Eyl and Timothy Newell
Carol Newman
Melissa and Philip Newman
Lynsie and Clayton Newman
Carol and Scott Newman
Vicki & Kent Newsom
Kristi and Michael Newsome
Stacie and Alexander Nierling
Leticia Nieto
Neha Vashisht and Rajiv Nijhawan
Erica and Gjon Nivica
Jonika and Corky Nix
Chandler and Morton Nixon
Brooke and Alex Noffsinger
Rene and Jaime Noris
Libby Norwood
Julie and Michael Nunez
Ona and Chibuike Nwosu
Jamie and Brian O'Boyle
The O'Briens
Lacey O'Brien & Andrew O'Brien
Alana and Jeffrey O'Connell
Marcy and Robert O'Connor
Jedida Odera and Steve Simiyu
Anna Offit and Kelly McKowen
Kathryn and James Ogden
Susanna & Van Ogden
Edward Oglesby
Amanda Horner Ohlenburg
Sally Oldfield-Lightfoot
Sarah & Bahram Oliai
Gloria & Fred Olness
Katie and Chris Olson
Zelie and Oscar Olvera-Irigoyen
Rachel and Matthew Omundson
Connie O'Neill
Courtney Wilemon and Brian O'Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Orr, Jr.
Jose Orvananos Marquez
Donna & Jeff Osborne
Cynthia Wilson and Roland Ouellette
Kristi and Les Owens
Tina and Duffy Oyster
Deanna & Ronald Palmer
Lauren & Scott Palmer
Josh Parecki
Palak and Parin Parikh
William and Amanda
The Parsons family
Amy and Logan Passmore
Jane Patten
Caroline and Steven Patterson
Patterson Family
The Paulus Family
Lauren and John Payne
Henry Pearson
Pam & Tom Pearson
Amanda and Michael Pendleton
Misty and John Persefield
DeEtte & Paul Peters
Liz Lawson Peterson
Charles Petit
Connie Petticrew
Brody and Susan Pettit
Courtney and Brian Phelps
P. Vann and Elizabeth Phillips
Pielsticker/Barker Family
Donna Pierce
Anne & Larry Pierce
Kelly and Scott Piland
Jacky and Peter Pincoffs
Nicholas Pittari
Layne and Gavin Pitzer
Sarah Pollan and Rugger Burke
Cyrena & Lee Pondrom
William Pope
Margaret Porter
Andrew Portteus
The Potomacs
Lori & Darrin Powell
Carolyn Power
The Powers Family
Jennifer and Robert Prather
Gage Prichard
Dianne & Hervey Priddy
Kari and Andrew Prine
Mary Anne & David Proch-Wilson
Joulia and Edouard Prous
Abby and Sam Pruitt
Sherri Pulliam
Ashley and Blake Purnell
Diane and Maury Purnell
Wenli Xu and Meng Qiu
Merritt and Michael Quigley
Jeff and Susan Quigley
Julie and Wynn Radford
Sean Rae
Ellen and John Rain
Lutetia & Jackson Raley
Stacie and Brandon Ramo
Holly Ramundt
Megan and Marcus Ranallo
Carrie And Carrie Randall
Katie and Jacob Rea
Stefan and Claire Reddick
Rachel and David Reed
Carol Bright Reeder
Karen & Chuck Reeder
Julie & Frank Reedy
The Rees-Jones Foundation
Lindsay and Gig Reeves
Darian & Dave Reichert
Lisa and Randy Reid
Emily and Brett Reis
Pieter Reitz
Tom & Kyle Renard
Lauren Renfrow
Rita and Eric Renner
Lee Ann & Dale Renner
Tracey Reyes and Marco Reyes Centeno
Maria Molcut and Adam Reynolds
Bevan Brooks Rhine
Lesley and Burton Rhodes
Julie and Dan Rhodes
Anna Kay and James Rice
Brenda & Larry Richardson
Phyllis & Rod Riggins
Riggs Family Foundation
Hannah Riley
Sharla & David Roach
Brooke and Rod Roberson
Karen Roberts
Amanda Robertson
Amanda and Jeff Rockow
Sha and David Roehm
Melinda and Norman Rogers
Julie Forrester Rogers
Audrey Loftis Rogers, M.D.
Sarah and Ace Roman
Ana Patricia and Diego Romero
Debra & Lewis Ropp
Carrie and Jamey Rosamond
Alan and Leslie Rose
Jennifer and Gregory Roslund
Edna & R.L. Ross
Susan and Clayton Rote
Jonathan and Sara
Beverly and Jim Rowalt
Catherine and Fred Rawsey
Lisse Roy
Gary Rubin
Carol & Brian Rugg
Jessica and Andrew Rugg
Phillip and Catherine Russell
Jennifer & Thomas K. Russell
Abby and Peter Ruth
Cynthia Rutledge
Susan & John Rutledge
Alexandra Wagner and Matthew Ryan
Emily and Jason Sacher
Nina and Decker Sachse
Ashley and Tim Sambrano
Kathryn and Matthew Samler
Katie and Joe Sando
Gray and Deborah Bullis
Katherine and Mazin Sbaiti
Lee & Lou Schaufele
Sally & Ryan Schedler
Joanna and Kevin Scheipe
Matthew and Jean Schendle
Laura & Chad
Sabrina & Adam Shiller
Janie and Ben Schneider
Rachel Schoch
Daniel Schopp
Elizabeth Schramme
Sally Schreiber
Anna and Peter Schroeder
Lauren and Mark Schultis
Michael and Jenny Schultz
Katie and Patrick Schumacher
Jenni Marks Scoggins
Allison-Leigh and Luke Scott
Samantha & Charles Scott
Catherine and Alex Seals
Virginia and Michael Searcy
Lauren & Chris Sears
Mr. and Mrs. John Sears
Mott and Blake Settle
Kathy & Jay Settle
JP and Melissa Sevilla
Beth Shaddock
Saloumeh Shahidi-Fitzgerald and Leonard Fitgerald
Hannah and Robert Shankle
Marcia & Don Shannon
Priscilla and Steve Shellenberger
Jared Shelton
Natalia and Jake Shelton
Becky and Scott Sherwood
Gretel and Justin Shipley
Norine Shippey
Nancy and Bryan Shores
Ashley Shull
Christopher and Jami Sibert
Shay & Jack Sides
Ji Yang and Daniel Siegwart
Greg & Laura Silver
Elvi & Richard Simms
Joelle and Mark Simms
Namita And Sarvjeet Singh
Patty Singleton
Zora & Bill Skelton
Lindsey and Stephen Edison
Faye & Gary Slater
Jessica Slaven
Mary Jane Sledge
Shirley & Frank Sloan
Donna & Anoy Small
Allison and Ryan Small
Ashley and Scott Smetko
Lauren and Christopher Smith
Waverly and David Smith
Julia and Scott Smith
Steve and Luellen Smith
Karen and Ashton Smith
Sarah Smith
Melinda & Jamie Smith
Lacy and Keith Smith
Rebecca Smith
Nancy & Jim Snell
Judy Snowden
Wei Song
Jennifer and Chris Sorrells
Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Spackman
Jon Sparling
Terri Speicher
Ann Spillman
Eric Stahl
Thomas Stallings
Joan Stansbury
Tina & Dan Stansbury
Heather and Lawrence Stanton
Laura and Eric Steele
Diane & Dick Steele
Dina Steele
Marc Steinberg
Allison and Brucker Stensrud
Sally Stephenson
Shannon And Peter Stetson
Beth Stevens
Meribeth & Bill Stevens
Amy and Kurt Steves
Barbara & Marc Stewart
Sarah Stobaugh and Stobaugh Joseph
William and Alison Stokley
Mary Kay & Herb Story
Josh Strange
Jean and Mike Streepey
Drew & John Stull
Shannon Sullivan
Eve and Dan Sullivan
Kelsie and Grant Sumner
Coletta & Jerry Sutterfield
Celestine and John Sutton
Dallas and Andrew Swedlund
Diana & Jeff Swope
Anne and Matt Talley
Larry and Ellen Talley
Tamacas Family
Anthony Tarter
Lisa Hasday and Joshua Tate
LeeAnn and John Tatum
Terri and Marc Taubenfeld
Ingrid and Scott Taulbee
Catherine Viscomi and Stefano Taverna
Ellen & Howard Templin
Donna Tenney
Tracey & Phillip Terry
Jeffrey R. Terry
Denise and Jonathan Thayer
Staci and Robert Thetford
Jennifer and Bryan Thibodeau
Tyler Thomas
Molly and Molly Thomas
Kenneth & Marjanna Thomas
Emma Thomas
Rebecca Thompson
Sheridan and John Thompson
Natalie Anne Hubert
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Thompson Jr. & Family
Neely and Trent Thrash
Diane and Steve Tobin
Denise & Cliff Todd
Elizabeth & Cliff Toraason
Kathy & Neill Touchstone
Emily and David Touchstone
Peyton Townsend
Ali and Justin Treaster
Carol & Kelly Trimmer
Caroline and Douglas
Kay True
Cathy and John True
Margaret Trulock
Jen Sowders and Scott Trulock
Joyce and Gary Trybus
Loh-Sze Leung and Peter Tsai
Yan Tu
Sally Tucker and Chuck Banta
Meredith and Mike Turner
Yoshi Tyler
Bren and Charles Underwood
Priscilla & George Underwood
Stacey and John Underwood
Kelly and Drew Ungerman
University Park Elementary PTA
Rahul Vaid
Katie and Greg Van
Wendy & John Vandermeer
Mimi & Bill Vanderstraaten
Allison Vanderwoude
Valerie and Jose Vargas
Bev Vaughan
Michele and Bob Vicente
Kristin and Paul Viguerie
Ramona Vineyard
Ann Wysons & John Vuyosevich
Gina and Marc Waco
Paula & Gordon Wagner
Haley and Matthew Waldron
Misty and Bryce Wall
Rebecca and John Wallace
Danielle and Chad Walters
Vivian Ma and Di Wang
Kristi and Jason Ward
Charlya & Mike Ward
Jan & Athol Ware
Clinton Warren
Barbara & Roy Washburn
Melissa and John Waters
Ali and Jay Watkins
Packy & Susie Watson
Rachelle and Robert Weathersby
Joan Webb
Julie and David Webb
Tristan Weber
Betsy & Bill Weber
Courtney and Colby Wegman
Tina & Guy Weintraub
Ann & Charles Weissinger
Ellen and Andy Welch
Janis and Dennis Wells
Judy & Steve Wells
James P Westbrook
Jane Wetzel
Andrew Whitaker
Rebecca and Scott Whitaker
Traci and J. Caperton White
Shelley White and Brendan Gaffey
Brenda and Bob White
Melissa and Tony Whitworth
Emily and Bart Wickard
Anne Wicks and Michael Humphrey
Elizabeth & Gary Wicks
Adrienne and Andrew Widmer
Cynthia Sully Wiedemann
Misty and Thomas Wightman
Darlea and Grant Wilbeck
Diane Wilcox - Wings to Soar
Diane & Paul Willey
Jana and Kyle Williams
Claudia and Jeffrey Williams
Ann Lowe Williams
Nancy & Kit Williams
Avery and Genevra Williams
Laura McKee Williamson
Marsha and Steve Williamson
Amy and John Williford
Jany & Clark Willingham
Victoria and Bruce G. Willison
Tiffa and Bill Wilshusen
Elizabeth and Mark Wilson
Wendy and Scott Wilson
Mary & Will Wilson
Adelaide & Warren Wingert
Zazelle And Richard Wingo
Holly and Paul Wittorf
Valinda & Steve Wolfert
Krystle and Kevin Womack
Victoria Woo and Vu Luu
Catherine and Jeremy Wood
Susie and Skip Woodall
Kim & Frank Woosley
Susan and Daniel Worrel
Emma Hefford and James Wortman
Lois Wrangle
Araceli and Harold Wright
Lauren Chiu and Wei-Chung Wu
Matt and Tiffany Wyatt
Martha Wynne
Jian Xie and Xiaodong Wu
Kristen Hazen - Hazen Family
Jie Yin
Erik Yohe
Karen & Red Dog Young
Shannon and Joseph Young
Angela & Scott Zashin
Paula & Henry Zeitman
The Zelazny Family
Carol Ann Zelley
Haiying Zhang
Xiao Yong Zhang
Wendy Zhao
Zhu Lou Family
Rosangela and Sam Zurawel
Luminary ($10,000-$24,499)
Lori & Jon Altschuler
Carol & Taylor Armstrong
Robin & Bernay Box
Stacy & Tyler Burke
MacKenzie & Benjamin Carpenter
Janis & Roy Coffee, Jr.
Carrie & Dallas Cothrum
Sylvie & Gary Crum
The Deadman Family
The Dreyfuss Family
Judy & Jim Gibbs
Judy Jackson Gray
in memory of Sue Golden
Gina Grove & Family
The Gwinn Foundation
The Hankins Foundation
The Hegi Family
* Recognized posthumously
List includes gifts received through May 31, 2023
Our donor list is carefully compiled, but there is the possibility of error.
If your name was omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact us at 214-780-4060 or info@hpef.org.