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We look forward to celebrating with you this fall!
Friday, October 20th
7:00pm - HPHS Football Game vs. Irving McArthur​​
Tickets online only-​
7:00pm - 11:00pm - Welcome Party!​
Valerie May Smith Home​- 3611 Caruth Blvd.
Dinner to be served from 7:30pm-9:30pm
11:00pm- After Party!​
Ozona's Bar and Grill - 4615 Greenville​
Saturday, October 21st
11:00am - 12:00pm HPHS Tour
Meet at the high school front entrance on Emerson!​
7:00pm - Reunion Party!
The Rustic- 3656 Howell Street (Uptown)
Dinner and drinks
HPHS Class of 1973 Memory Books to be distributed!
Help us find missing classmates information by clicking on the button below.
Send updates to: Tina Guerriero Peyton
Need information for Memory Book- Click here to submit!
The Highland Park Alumni Association, in partnership with the Highland Park Education Foundation, exists to support Highland Park High School’s goal of academic excellence by honoring the school’s heritage and traditions, while developing and enhancing relationships among the school and its alumni.

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